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  • Writer's pictureJ. B. Garner

Convention news!

My convention schedule for 2024 is starting to pick up! I have three confirmed convention appearances currently, but I hope to expand that in the weeks to come.

First up, and very soon on the horizon, is Capircon 44 this coming weekend, here in downtown Chicago. I'll be selling books and talking to readers at the Goshdarned Good Authors table.

Soon to follow on the first weekend of March is CoastCon 46, down south in Biloxi, Mississippi. This marks four... perhaps five guest appearances there in a row! I'll have books to sell, as well as presenting at several panels. If you're in the region or travelling to that con, I look forward to seeing you there!

Finally (for now, anyway), I just received confirmation that I will once again by an attending professional at DragonCon in Atlanta, Georgia this summer. I'll be wandering the convention, presenting at panels, and I hope to work out some opportunities to sell books as well.

It's going to be an exciting year, my friends, and I look forward to bringing you more news soon!

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